Saturday, August 31, 2024

Nothing to Something

God chose the lowly 
and despised of the world, 
those who count for nothing, 
to reduce to nothing 
those who are something. 
(1 Corinthians 1:28)

Human wisdom and strength are not the basis for God’s calling. God can use anyone, regardless of their background or abilities, to fulfill His plans. He often chooses the unlikely and the humble to accomplish His purposes. We should not be discouraged by our perceived weaknesses or lack of status. 

Instead, we should cultivate humility, recognizing that our worth and abilities come from God. This helps us avoid pride and boasting in our own achievements. Our boasting should be in the Lord, not in ourselves. When we achieve something, we should give credit to God, acknowledging His role in our successes. This keeps our focus on God and fosters a spirit of gratitude.

Christ is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. The diversity within the body of Christ is intentional and valuable. We should rely on Christ for our spiritual growth and transformation. This means seeking His guidance, following His teachings, and trusting in His work in our lives.

Divine Calling

Human wisdom and strength, not the basis for His call,
God uses anyone, the great and the small.
Regardless of background, abilities, or fame,
He chooses the humble to glorify His name.

In our weaknesses, we should not despair,
For God’s mighty hand is always there.
Cultivate humility, let pride take flight,
Our worth and abilities come from His light.

Boast not in achievements, but in the Lord,
Give Him the glory, our true reward.
In every success, acknowledge His grace,
Keep focus on God, in gratitude embrace.

Christ is our wisdom, our righteousness true,
Sanctification and redemption, all found in You.
The body of Christ, diverse and grand,
Each part intentional, by His hand planned.

Rely on Christ for growth and transformation,
Seek His guidance, follow His foundation.
Trust in His work, His teachings embrace,
In His love and wisdom, find your place.

Prayer for Humility and Divine Guidance

Heavenly Father,

We come before You, acknowledging that human wisdom and strength are not the basis for Your calling. You can use anyone, regardless of their background or abilities, to fulfill Your divine plans. You often choose the unlikely and the humble to accomplish Your purposes.

Lord, help us not to be discouraged by our perceived weaknesses or lack of status. Instead, cultivate in us a spirit of humility, recognizing that our worth and abilities come from You. Guard our hearts against pride and boasting in our own achievements.

May our boasting always be in You, Lord, and not in ourselves. When we achieve something, remind us to give credit to You, acknowledging Your role in our successes. Keep our focus on You, fostering a spirit of gratitude within us.

Christ, You are our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We thank You for the diversity within the body of Christ, which is intentional and valuable. Help us to rely on You for our spiritual growth and transformation.

Guide us, Lord, to seek Your wisdom, follow Your teachings, and trust in Your work in our lives. May we always find our place in Your love and wisdom.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


II: Disorders in the Corinthian Community, A. Divisions in the Church
1 Corinthians 1:26-31

First Reading | 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

26 Consider your own calling, brothers and sisters. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. 27 Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong, 28 and God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something, 29 so that no human being might boast before God. 30 It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, 31 so that, as it is written, whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.


1 Corinthians 1:26-31 is a passage where Paul addresses the Corinthian believers, emphasizing God’s wisdom and the nature of their calling. 

Context and Background

1. The City of Corinth: Corinth was a major city in ancient Greece, known for its wealth, commerce, and moral decadence. It was a melting pot of cultures and religions, which often led to various social and moral issues within the church.

2. The Corinthian Church: The church in Corinth was founded by Paul during his second missionary journey. It was composed of a diverse group of people, including Jews and Gentiles, many of whom were from lower social classes.

3. Purpose of the Letter: Paul wrote this letter to address divisions and issues within the church. The Corinthians were struggling with pride, boasting, and a misunderstanding of spiritual wisdom and power.

Key Themes in 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

1. God’s Choice: Paul reminds the Corinthians that not many of them were wise, powerful, or of noble birth when they were called by God. Instead, God chose the foolish, weak, and lowly things of the world to shame the wise and strong.

2. Humility and Boasting: The purpose of God’s choice is to prevent any human boasting. Paul emphasizes that no one should boast in their own wisdom or strength but in the Lord alone.

3. Christ as Our Wisdom: Paul highlights that Christ has become for us wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. This underscores that all spiritual blessings and growth come from Christ, not from human effort.

Practical Application

For believers today, this passage encourages humility and reliance on God’s wisdom rather than our own. It reminds us that our value and identity are found in Christ, and that we should boast only in what He has done for us.

Learning Lessons:

1. God’s Sovereign Choice. Lesson: God often chooses the unlikely and the humble to accomplish His purposes. Application: We should not be discouraged by our perceived weaknesses or lack of status. God can use anyone, regardless of their background or abilities, to fulfill His plans.

2. Humility Over Pride. Lesson: Human wisdom and strength are not the basis for God’s calling. Application: We should cultivate humility, recognizing that our worth and abilities come from God. This helps us avoid pride and boasting in our own achievements.

3. Boasting in the Lord. Lesson: Our boasting should be in the Lord, not in ourselves. Application: When we achieve something, we should give credit to God, acknowledging His role in our successes. This keeps our focus on God and fosters a spirit of gratitude.

4. Christ as Our Source. Lesson: Christ is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Application: We should rely on Christ for our spiritual growth and transformation. This means seeking His guidance, following His teachings, and trusting in His work in our lives.

5. Unity in Diversity. Lesson: The diversity within the body of Christ is intentional and valuable. Application: We should appreciate and embrace the different gifts and backgrounds of fellow believers. This promotes unity and strengthens the church community.

Practical Steps:

Reflect on Your Calling: Consider how God has worked in your life despite your weaknesses. This can deepen your faith and trust in His plans.

Practice Gratitude: Regularly thank God for His blessings and guidance. This helps shift the focus from self to God.

Encourage Others: Recognize and affirm the unique contributions of others in your community. This builds up the body of Christ and fosters a supportive environment.

Reflection Source:
Conversation with Copilot